Signs Your Child’s Birth Injury May Be Due to Medical Malpractice

This web story helps identify possible signs of medical malpractice in birth injuries and how to take action.

Inadequate responses to fetal distress signals during labor could indicate negligence.

Sign 1: Failure to Respond to Fetal Distress

Mistakes in using delivery tools can lead to serious birth injuries, such as brain damage.

Sign 2: Improper Use of Forceps or Vacuum

Not diagnosing infections or birth defects in time can cause harm to both mother and baby.

Sign 3: Undiagnosed Infections or Birth Defects

Failing to monitor the baby’s condition properly during labor may result in undetected complications.

Sign 4: Lack of Proper Monitoring

If you suspect medical malpractice, consult a birth injury attorney to explore your legal options.

Seek Legal Help for Birth Injuries